Military Coup d’état in Niger

Military Coup d’état in Niger

What is a coup? A coup, or “coup d’état,” is a sudden, illegal, and often violent overthrow of a government or ruling authority by a group of individuals, typically within the same country’s military, government, or other state institutions. A...
Cerberus Heatwave in Europe 2023

Cerberus Heatwave in Europe 2023

If you’re planning to visit Europe in July-August 2023, it is imperative that you know about the ongoing Cerberus Heatwave.  Cerberus Heatwave is a natural phenomenon characterised by an extreme and prolonged period of abnormally high temperatures. The name comes...
Flooding Across Northern India

Flooding Across Northern India

India has been experiencing heavy rainfall and flooding in several northern states over the past week. Since 9 July, severe weather warnings have been in place. Three days of intense rain in north India have resulted in multiple fatalities from landslides and other...