通貨 | レソトロティ (LSL) |
言語 | セソト;英語 |
資本金 | マセル |
レソト王国はアフリカに位置し、南アフリカに完全に囲まれています。人口は約200万人で、その大部分はソト人です。国は、議会の立憲君主制である政府で政治的に安定しています。王は国家元首であり、首相は政府の長です。以前はバストランドとして知られていましたが、レソトは1966年にイギリスから独立しました。約20年にわたる軍事政権の後、1993年に憲法政府が設立されました。この国では貧困が広がっています。レソトには天然資源がほとんどなく、経済的に南アフリカに経済的に依存しています。しかし、この国は南アフリカの併合に抵抗しています。旅行者は、キリマンジャロの南にあるアフリカで最も高い山であり、アフリカで数少ないスキーリゾートの1つであるThabana Ntlenyanaに興味があるかもしれません。観光客のためのインフラが成長しています。この国では、マウンテンバイク、ハイキング、手付かずの田舎を楽しむなど、多くのアウトドアアクティビティの機会を提供しています。
There is a significant risk of infection with hepatitis B for this country, therefore, the vaccination is recommended.
There is a significant risk of exposure to hepatitis A for this country, therefore, the vaccination is recommended. Infants 6 to 11 months old should also be vaccinated against the disease.
A BCG vaccine is recommended for all unvaccinated adults and children under 16 years of age, staying in the country for more than 3 months. A tuberculin skin test is required prior to administering vaccination for all children from 6 years of age.
One dose of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) is recommended to infants 6 to 11 months prior to international travel.
There is a risk of exposure to typhoid fever in this country through consumption of unsafe food and water. Since exposure to unsafe sources is variable within this country, the vaccination against typhoid fever is generally recommended, especially when visiting smaller cities or rural areas, where food and water sources may be contaminated.
The U.K. NaTHNaC recommends the oral cholera vaccine for some travellers whose activities or medical history put them at increased risk, travelling to areas of active cholera transmission. These risk factors include: aid workers; those going to areas of cholera outbreaks who have limited access to potable water and medical care; travellers for whom the vaccination would be considered potentially beneficial, such as chronic medical conditions. The U.S. CDC recommends the cholera vaccine for travellers who are 18-64 years of age and who plan to travel to areas of active cholera transmission. CDC notes that most travellers do not travel to areas of active cholera transmission, and that safe food and water practices can prevent many cholera infections.
Vaccination against rabies is recommended for travellers involved in outdoor activities (e.g., campers, hikers, bikers, adventure travellers, and cavers) who may have direct contact with rabid dogs, bats, and other mammals. Those with occupational risks (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, researchers) and long-term travellers and expatriates are at higher risk and should be vaccinated.
There is a significant risk for acquiring hepatitis B in Lesotho.
There is a significant risk for hepatitis A virus exposure in Lesotho through contaminated food or water. Infection can still occur at tourist destinations and resorts.
Cholera outbreaks occur in Lesotho. The risk to travellers is low unless living or working in poor sanitary conditions, drinking untreated water or eating poorly cooked or raw seafood in this country.
The virus is transmitted to animals, birds and humans by mosquitoes. Symptoms include fever, headache, tiredness, body aches, nausea, and skin rash.
Commonly spread via contact with domesticated animals infected with the virus. These include cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, and camels, among others.
There is a risk of acquiring the Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic fever in Lesotho.
This disease may occur in the country.
Sleeping Sickness (Type 1)
African trypanosomiasis (“sleeping sickness”) occurs in this country. Symptoms include fatigue, high fever, headaches, and muscle aches. If not treated, the disease can cause death.
Chikungunya fever may occur in Lesotho.
There is a risk of exposure to measles in the country.
Tuberculosis occurs in Lesotho. Travellers to Lesotho are at risk for tuberculosis if visiting sick friends or family, working in the health care field, or having close prolonged contact with the general population.
Rabies occurs in Lesotho. Bats may also carry rabies-like viruses. Travellers involved in outdoor activities (e.g., campers, hikers, bikers, adventure travellers, and cavers) may have direct contact with rabid dogs and other mammals. Those with occupational risks (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, researchers) and long-term travellers and expatriates are at higher risk.
Unvaccinated people can become infected through contaminated food and water in Lesotho, especially when visiting smaller cities, villages, or rural areas where food and water sources may be contaminated.
一般に、レソトへのほとんどの旅行者は困難を経験しません。しかし、武装攻撃、カージャック、スリ、バッグのひったくりなどの窃盗などの犯罪が発生し、外国人が標的になります。伝えられるところでは、ほとんどの犯罪は都市部で発生しています。常に個人の安全に注意してください。貴重品を保護し、見えない場所に保管してください。パスポートなどの重要な書類を保護してください。夜一人で歩くことは避けてください。レリベとマセルを訪れるときは、犯罪が多いため、十分な注意を払ってください。都市部外への道路旅行は危険な場合があります。道路の状態が悪く、ドライバーが道路の規則に従わず、動物が道路に迷い込む可能性があります。運転は左側です。車両が過負荷になり、機械的状態が悪いため、公共交通機関の使用は避けてください。レソトでは、特に11月から2月にかけて激しい雷雨が発生します。天気は、特に山では、予想外に急速に変化する可能性があります。暖かくて涼しい天候のために、常に適切な衣服をお持ちください。地元の気象情報源を注意深く監視します。 LGBTIの旅行者は、レソトでは同性行動は合法ですが、同性結婚は合法ではないことに注意してください。 LGBTI旅行者は、レソトで差別に直面する可能性があります。