通貨 | ケニアシリング (KES) |
言語 | スワヒリ語と英語 |
資本金 | ナイロビ |
There is a significant risk of infection with hepatitis B for this country, therefore, the vaccination is recommended.
There is a significant risk of exposure to hepatitis A for this country, therefore, the vaccination is recommended. Infants 6 to 11 months old should also be vaccinated against the disease.
The U.K. NaTHNaC recommends the oral cholera vaccine for some travellers whose activities or medical history put them at increased risk, travelling to areas of active cholera transmission. These risk factors include: aid workers; those going to areas of cholera outbreaks who have limited access to potable water and medical care; travellers for whom the vaccination would be considered potentially beneficial, such as chronic medical conditions. The U.S. CDC recommends the cholera vaccine for travellers who are 18-64 years of age and who plan to travel to areas of active cholera transmission. CDC notes that most travellers do not travel to areas of active cholera transmission, and that safe food and water practices can prevent many cholera infections.
Vaccination against rabies is recommended for travellers involved in outdoor activities (e.g., campers, hikers, bikers, adventure travellers, and cavers) who may have direct contact with rabid dogs, bats, and other mammals. Those with occupational risks (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, researchers) and long-term travellers and expatriates are at higher risk and should be vaccinated.
A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for travellers over 1 year of age arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission. Vaccination is not recommended to Nairobi, Mandera, Wajir, and Garissa and/or the counties of the former Coast Provine, as well as the cities if Malindi, Kwale,Lamu, Mombasa, except Taita-Taveta.
A single lifetime booster dose of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) is recommended for adults who received the routine polio vaccination series as children.
One dose of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) is recommended to infants 6 to 11 months prior to international travel.
A BCG vaccine is recommended for all unvaccinated adults and children under 16 years of age, staying in the country for more than 3 months. A tuberculin skin test is required prior to administering vaccination for all children from 6 years of age.
Because this country is located in the sub-Saharan meningitis belt, vaccination against meningitis is recommended if travelling during the dry season (December to March) in northwest Kenya.
There is a risk of exposure to typhoid fever in this country through the consumption of unsafe food and water. Since exposure to unsafe sources is variable within this country, the vaccination against typhoid fever is generally recommended, especially when visiting smaller cities or rural areas, where water and food sources may be contaminated.
With the exception of Nairobi and highlands above 2,500 meters, there is a risk of exposure to malaria throughout Kenya. Recommended anti-malaria medication includes atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, or mefloquine. Resistance to chloroquine has been reported.
There is a significant risk for acquiring hepatitis B in Kenya.
Dengue fever outbreaks occur in Kenya, and the risk to travellers is significant.
There is a significant risk for hepatitis A virus exposure in Kenya through contaminated food or water. Infection can still occur at tourist destinations and resorts.
Cholera may occur in Kenya.
Chikungunya fever has occurred in this country.
This is a viral infection transmitted via direct or indirect contact with infected camels/camel-related products. Symptoms include fever, breathing difficulties, and cough that can sometimes lead to severe shortness of breath. MERS-CoV is known to most commonly occur in camel-owning households in Kenya.
The virus is transmitted to animals, birds and humans by mosquitoes. Symptoms include fever, headache, tiredness, body aches, nausea, and skin rash.
There is a risk of acquiring Polio in the country and is transmitted from one person to another when droplets from a sneeze or cough of an infected person gets into the mouth of another person.
Commonly spread via contact with domesticated animals infected with the virus. These include cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, and camels, among others.
Hanta Virus
There is a risk of acquiring hantavirus in Kenya through contaminated food or by coming into contact with someone infected with the virus
Marburg hemorrhagic fever is caused by touching infected animals or their body fluids ; touching body fluids (blood or sweat) from an infected person or objects contaminated with the body fluids of a person infected with Ebola or Marburg virus.
There is a risk of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic fever in Kenya.
There is a risk of acquiring Leishmaniasis in the country. The infection is transmitted by the bite of infected phlebotomine sandfly.
There is a risk of exposure to measles in the country.
髄膜 炎
Outbreaks of meningitis may occur in Kenya usually during the dry season from December through March.
This disease occurs in Kenya. High-risk areas are Nyanza Province, Western Province, and southwestern Rift Valley Province. Travellers to urban areas are not at risk.
There is a risk of yellow fever transmission in Kenya.
Unvaccinated people can become infected through contaminated food and water in Kenya, especially when visiting smaller cities, villages, or rural areas where food and water sources may be contaminated.
All areas including wildlife reserves and parks in Kenya at altitudes below 2,500 meters (<8,202 ft) are at risk for malaria. There is a low risk of transmission in Nairobi and the highlands above 2,500 meters.
Travellers to Kenya are at risk for tuberculosis if visiting sick friends or family, working in the health care field, or having close prolonged contact with the general population.
Rabies occurs in this country. Travellers involved in outdoor activities (e.g., campers, hikers, bikers, adventure travellers, and cavers) may have direct contact with rabid dogs, bats, and other mammals. Those with occupational risks (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, researchers) and long-term travellers and expatriates are at higher risk.
The parasite that causes schistosomiasis is found in Kenya. It is acquired through contact with fresh water, such as swimming, bathing, or rafting. Well-chlorinated swimming pools and contact with saltwater in oceans or seas will not put travellers at risk for schistosomiasis.
This disease occurs in this country.
ケニアのほとんどの地域、特に沿岸のビーチリゾート、ナイロビ、モンバサ、キスムでは、犯罪の発生率が高くなっています。旅行者は常に周囲に気を配り、観光地から離れることを避け、暗くなった後は旅行を控えるべきです。ささいな犯罪は、主要な町や海岸沿いのビーチリゾートでよく起こります。泥棒は、警察官、ホテルの従業員、政府職員になりすまします。旅行者は近づかれたら身分証明書を要求するべきです。個人の持ち物は常に安全に保管し、ドアは常に施錠してください。高価な服や宝石を身に着けないでください。クレジットカードと小切手はしばしば盗まれます。ナイロビでは、カージャック、武装強盗、誘n、強盗などの暴力犯罪がより頻繁に発生しています。これらの犯罪は通常、クリスマス休暇中に増加します。カーモジャックは、ジョモケニヤッタ国際空港(JKIA)とナイロビを往復するときによく発生します。旅行者は、JKIAに到着する際に、ツアー会社が手配した交通機関またはよくマークされたタクシーを使用する必要があります。空港の公共エリアで通貨を両替しないでください。荷物はしばしば預け入れ荷物から盗まれるので、鍵のかかったスーツケースや機内持ち込み手荷物に貴重品を保管してください。主要道路の状態は良好ですが、道路の状態が悪く、車両のメンテナンスが不十分で、無謀な運転のために、道路旅行は危険な場合があります。夜に道路が舗装されておらず、照明が灯されていない農村地域では、細心の注意を払ってください。暗くなってからの旅行は避けてください。雨季には、洪水のために一部の道路が通行できない場合があります。ゲームパークや保護区、国境を接する国々への主要道路を走行中に車が攻撃されたという報告があります。安全基準が低いため、フェリーを含む公共交通機関の使用は避けてください。自分で旅行する女性は、外国人に対するものを含む性的暴行の発生率が高いため、非常に警戒する必要があります。ケニアでのボランティア活動を検討している外国人は、協力する予定の非政府組織が合法であることを確認する必要があります。ケニアのボランティアは、不当なNGOに虐待されたり立ち往生したりすることがあります。ケニアを旅行するときは、常にパスポートとビザのコピーを携帯してください。警察官から身分証明書の提示を求められる場合があります。ビニール袋を使用または輸入することは違法であり、犯罪者は罰金を科せられます。公共の場での喫煙も違法です。軍や政府の施設や空港の写真を撮らないでください。ケニアへのすべての旅行者は、特に非常に多くのイスラム教徒の人口がいる沿岸地域で、服装し、保守的に振る舞うことをお勧めします。旅行者は、イスラムの聖なるラマダンの月に旅行するかどうかに注意する必要があります。この間、国の宗教的慣行を尊重し、日の出と日没の間に公共の場で飲食、喫煙を避けてください。ケニアの雨季は、10月から11月と3月下旬から6月中旬です。洪水、地滑り、インフラストラクチャーへの大きな損害、旅行計画の混乱が生じる可能性があります。ケニアでも深刻な干ばつが発生する場合があります。地域の天気予報を注意深く監視し、地域の避難計画を常に把握してください。 LGBTI旅行者は、ケニアでは同性行動や同性結婚が違法であり、LGBTIの人々は厳しい社会的差別に直面していることに注意する必要があります。 2019年8月、地獄の門国立公園を訪れた7人の人々は、鉄砲水がこの地域を襲ったときに、渓谷の1つに閉じ込められて死亡しました。渓谷は洪水になりやすいです。ケニア野生生物局は、観光客は通常、渓谷に向かって流れる雨水を検出するために訓練された経験豊富なガイドが同行すると述べた。経験豊富なガイドを用意し、雨季にはこのエリアを避けてください。