通貨 | ルピア (IDR) |
言語 | インドネシア人 |
資本金 | ジャカルタ |
There is a significant risk of infection with hepatitis B for this country. Therefore, the vaccination is recommended.
Vaccines are recommended for unvaccinated travelers of all age groups. Also including infants of 6 to 11 months old.
The U.K. NaTHNaC recommends the oral cholera vaccine for some travellers whose activities or medical history put them at increased risk, travelling to areas of active cholera transmission. These risk factors include: aid workers; those going to areas of cholera outbreaks who have limited access to potable water and medical care; travellers for whom the vaccination would be considered potentially beneficial, such as chronic medical conditions. The U.S. CDC recommends the cholera vaccine for travellers who are 18-64 years of age and who plan to travel to areas of active cholera transmission. CDC notes that most travellers do not travel to areas of active cholera transmission, and that safe food and water practices can prevent many cholera infections.
BCG vaccine is recommended for unvaccinated adults and children under 16 years of age, who are going to live for more than 3 months in the country. A tuberculin skin test is required prior to administering vaccination for all children from 6 years of age.
A dose of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) is recommended for infants 6 to 11 months old.
Vaccination is recommended only for those planning to visit rural areas in Kalimantan, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Mollucas, Papua (Irian Jaya), and Lombok. The vaccination is not required for travellers visiting urban areas only.
There is no risk of yellow fever transmission in this country. This country requires a yellow fever vaccination certificate for travellers over 9 months of age arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission.
There is a risk of exposure to typhoid fever in this country through the consumption of unsafe food and water. Since exposure to unsafe sources is variable within this country, the vaccination against typhoid fever is generally recommended, especially when visiting smaller cities or rural areas, where food and water sources may be contaminated.
Vaccination against rabies is recommended for travellers involved in outdoor activities (e.g., campers, hikers, adventure travellers, and cavers) who may have direct contact with rabid dogs, bats, and other mammals. Those with occupational risks (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, researchers) and long-term travellers and expatriates are at higher risk and should be vaccinated.
Recommended anti-malaria medication includes atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline, or mefloquine. Anti-malaria drug resistance for chloroquine is present.
Chikungunya occurs in Indonesia.
Cholera has occurred in this country. It is bacterial infection transmitted by contaminated food and water. Can cause severe watery diarrhoea although mild infections are common.
There is a significant risk for hepatitis A virus exposure in Indonesia through contaminated food or water. Infection can still occur at tourist destinations and resorts.
Dengue fever outbreaks occur in Indonesia, particularly in East Java. The risk is higher in heavily populated urban areas and during the rainy season.
There is a significant risk for acquiring hepatitis B in Indonesia.
There is a risk of acquiring measles in the country. The disease is an endemic in this country and any non-immume person can become infected.
There is transmission of the Zika virus in this country.
There is no risk of yellow fever transmission in this country. This country requires a yellow fever vaccination certificate for travellers over 9 months of age arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission.
Schistosomiasis is found in Indonesia. It is acquired through contact with fresh water, such as when swimming, bathing, or rafting. Well-chlorinated swimming pools and saltwater in oceans or seas will not put travellers at risk for schistosomiasis.
Japanese encephalitis is presumed to occur year-round in rural Indonesia and has been reported in the following areas: Kalimantan, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Mollucas, Papua (Irian Jaya), and Lombok. The risk for travellers of contracting Japanese encephalitis is low, but visiting the listed areas and extensive outdoor activity in rural areas will increase this risk.
Travellers to Indonesia are at risk for tuberculosis if visiting sick friends or family, working in the health care field, or having close prolonged contact with the general population.
Unvaccinated people can become infected through contaminated food and water in Indonesia, especially when visiting smaller cities, villages, or rural areas where food and water sources may be contaminated.
Malaria risk exists throughout the year in most areas of the five eastern provinces of East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua, and West Papua. Also including rural areas of Kalimantan, West Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, and Sumatra. There is no malaria risk in Jakarta and Ubud Municipalities, resort areas of Bali and Java, and Gili Islands and the Thousand Islands (Pulau Seribu). There are low levels of transmission in rural areas of Java, including Pangandaran, Sukalumi, and Ujung Kulong.
Rabies occurs in this country. Travellers involved in outdoor activities (e.g., campers, hikers, adventure travellers, and cavers) may have direct contact with rabid dogs, bats, and other mammals. Those with occupational risks (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, researchers) and long-term travellers and expatriates are at higher risk.
Scrub typhus, also known as Tsutsugamushi fever, generally occurs year-round in some areas of Indonesia.
インドネシアには高レベルの犯罪があります。スリやバッグのひったくりなどのささいな犯罪が頻繁に発生します。盗難の標的にならないように貴重品を見えない場所に保管してください。パスポートなどの重要な書類を保護してください。夜一人で歩くことは避けてください。見知らぬ人からの飲み物や食べ物を受け入れないでください。旅行者は、宿泊施設、礼拝所、ショッピングエリア、レストラン、クラブ、その他の観光施設を選択する際に注意を払い、施設のセキュリティレベルに注意する必要があります。インドネシアには、厳しい薬物法と薬物犯罪に対する厳しい罰則があります。特に女性旅行者は、スマトラ島の北端に位置するアチェ州がイスラム法(シャリア法)を実施していることに注意する必要があります。女性旅行者は、法律の詳細について自分自身に知らせる必要があります。たとえば、アチェでは、夫または男性の家族が同伴しない限り、女性はインターネットカフェ、観光地、スポーツ施設などの娯楽施設から23:00以降に禁止されています。州の道徳警察は、23時以降に娯楽施設にいる女性を拘束することができます。また、未婚の男性と女性は、アチェ州のいずれかの地区で一緒にバイクに乗ることが禁止されています。女性はバイクのサイドサドルにのみ乗ることができます。インドネシアでは交通事故の発生率が高い。道路の状況は、道路の状態が悪い、渋滞、暴走するため危険です。夜に道路が舗装されておらず、照明が灯されていない農村地域では、細心の注意を払ってください。暗くなってからの旅行は避けてください。運転は左側です。公共交通機関とフェリーの安全基準は貧弱です。注意してください。安全基準が十分ではない可能性があるため、屋外のアドベンチャーアクティビティに参加するときは、細心の注意を払ってください。出発する前に旅行保険と医療保険を取得し、緊急医療避難を含む野外の冒険活動に保険が適用されていることを確認してください。また、流れが強く予測不可能な場合があるため、泳ぐときは注意してください。常にパスポートと滞在許可証を携帯する必要があります。旅行者は、イスラムの聖なるラマダンの月に旅行するかどうかに注意する必要があります。この間、国の宗教的慣行を尊重し、日の出と日没の間に公共の場で飲食、喫煙を避けてください。地元の習慣を尊重するために、常に服を着て保守的に振る舞います。 LGBTIの旅行者は、同性の行為は社会的に許容されておらず、一部の州では同性の行為が違法で厳しく処罰されることに注意する必要があります。インドネシアには129の活火山があります。活火山のある地域に旅行する場合は地元当局の助言に留意し、噴火が発生した場合は地元の避難指示に従ってください。インドネシアは活発な地震地帯に位置しているため、インドネシアは地震や津波の影響を受けやすくなっています。大気汚染は、特に6月から10月にかけて、旅行者に健康と安全のリスクをもたらします。インドネシアの雨季は11月から3月の間ですが、一年中いつでも大雨が降ることがあります。これは、特に広範囲にわたる森林破壊が一般的な遠隔地で、ほとんど警告なしに地滑りと洪水を引き起こす可能性があります。これらの事件は、多数の死者と財産の広範囲な破壊をもたらしました。旅行者は、地域の天気予報を監視し、地方自治体が発行する警告に従う必要があります。