通貨 | フィリピンペソ (PHP) |
言語 | フィリピン人と英語 |
資本金 | マニラ |
フィリピン共和国は、太平洋西部の東南アジアに位置し、フィリピン海と南シナ海の間にある7,107の島からなる群島です。国の人口は約9,300万人です。公用語に加えて、多くの認識されている地域言語も話されています。政府は、国民投票により選出された国家元首および政府長として大統領を有する共和国です。 1946年に独立が認められて以来、フィリピンはしばしば民主主義に乱れた経験をしてきました。政府は今日、国内のいくつかのテロリストグループからの脅威などの課題に直面しています。フィリピンは火山性の太平洋の火の輪に位置しているため、この地域は地震が発生しやすく、20の活火山があり、熱帯気候のため台風の影響を受けやすくなっています。フィリピンには多くの天然資源と非常に豊かな生物多様性があります。フィリピンには、世界最高のダイビングと素晴らしいシュノーケリングがあります。熱帯のビーチは、ほとんどの島にあります。また、価格は海外よりも80%も低くなる可能性があるため、メディカルツーリズムが増加しています。
There is a significant risk of infection with hepatitis B for this country, therefore, the vaccination is recommended.
There is a significant risk of exposure to hepatitis A for this country, therefore, the vaccination is recommended. Unvaccinated travelers who are over 40 years old, immunocompromised, or have chronic medical conditions planning to visit risk areas should get the initial dose of vaccine. Infants 6 to 11 months old should also be vaccinated against Hepatitis A.
The U.K. NaTHNaC recommends the oral cholera vaccine for some travellers whose activities or medical history put them at increased risk, travelling to areas of active cholera transmission. These risk factors include: aid workers; those going to areas of cholera outbreaks who have limited access to potable water and medical care; travellers for whom the vaccination would be considered potentially beneficial, such as chronic medical conditions.
The vaccination is recommended for long-term travellers (i.e. trips lasting a month or more) to endemic areas during Japanese encephalitis virus transmission season. Consider the vaccination for the following groups: Short-term (<1 month) travellers to endemic areas during Japanese encephalitis virus transmission season if their itinerary or activities will increase their risk (e.g. spending substantial time outdoors in rural or agricultural areas; staying in accommodations without air conditioning, screens, or bed nets.); travellers to an area with an ongoing outbreak of Japanese encephalitis; travellers to endemic areas who are uncertain of specific activities or duration of travel.
One dose of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is recommended for infants 6 to 11 months old prior to their international travel.
BCG vaccine is recommended to all unvaccinated adults, and children under 16 years of age, staying in the country for more than 3 months. A tuberculin skin test is required prior to administering vaccination for all children from 6 years of age.
There is a risk of exposure to typhoid fever in this country through consumption of unsafe food and water. Since exposure to unsafe sources is variable within this country, the vaccination against typhoid fever is generally recommended, especially when visiting smaller cities or rural areas, where food and water sources may be contaminated.
Vaccination against rabies is recommended for travellers involved in outdoor activities (e.g., campers, hikers, adventure travellers, and cavers) who may have direct contact with rabid dogs, bats, and other mammals. Those with occupational risks (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, researchers) and long-term travellers and expatriates are at higher risk and should be vaccinated.
Recommended anti-malaria medication includes atovaquone-proguanil, doxycycline or mefloquine. Anti-malaria drug resistance for chloroquine is present.
Dengue fever outbreaks have occurred in the Philippines, and the risk to travellers is significant.
Chikungunya occurs in the Philippines. Outbreaks of this disease usually occur during the tropical rainy season, but can occur during the dry season as well.
There is a significant risk for hepatitis A virus exposure in the Philippines through contaminated food or water. Infection can still occur at tourist destinations and resorts.
There is active transmission of Cholera across the Philippines.
There is a significant risk for acquiring hepatitis B in the Philippines.
There is a risk of acquiring measles in the country.
Hanta Virus
There is a risk of acquiring hantavirus in the country by contaminated food or by coming in contact with someone infected with the virus
Areas of high risk for scrub typhus in the Philippines include grassy rural areas below 3,000 meters on Leyte, Samar, Mindoro, Luzon, Negros, Panay, Palawan, Cebu, and Mindanao.
There is transmission of the Zika virus in this country.
Unvaccinated people can become infected through contaminated food and water in the Philippines, especially when visiting smaller cities, villages, or rural areas where food and water sources may be contaminated.
Japanese encephalitis occurs in this country. The transmission is considered to be year-round. Rural areas are considered high risk.
There is a risk of acquiring rabies in this country. Rabid dogs are commonly found in the Philippines. Travellers involved in outdoor activities (e.g., campers, hikers, adventure travellers, and cavers) may have direct contact with rabid dogs, bats, and other mammals. Those with occupational risks (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, researchers) and long-term travellers and expatriates are at higher risk.
Tuberculosis occurs in the Philippines.Travellers are at risk if visiting sick friends or family, working in the health care field, or having close prolonged contact with the general population.
There is a low risk of acquiring the disease in rural areas of Luzon, Mindanao and Mindoro. and Palawan below 600m. There is no risk of malaria in the cities or islands of Boracay, Bohol, Catanduanes, Cebu, and Leyte.
犯罪はフィリピン、特にマニラの問題です。ターゲットになることを防ぐために、旅行者は多額のお金や貴重品を持ち歩かず、高価な衣服や宝石のような豊かさの兆候を見せないようにする必要があります。マニラ、特にマカティの中央ビジネス地区でもギャング暴力が発生しており、観光客が麻薬や強盗に遭っているという報告があります。旅行者は、見知らぬ人から食べ物や飲み物を受け取ったり、飲み物を放置したりしないでください。旅行者は常に個人的な意識を高く保つ必要があります。公式にマークされたタクシーのみを使用し、見知らぬ人と共有しないでください。海上輸送を使用するときは、過負荷になったり、事故が発生したために安全ではないと思われる船に乗船しないでください。フェリーや旅客船での旅行は安全ではない場合があり、海上輸送を伴う事故が頻繁に発生します。混雑、品質の悪い船舶、メンテナンスの不足が一般的な問題です。フェリーは、悪天候では航海に適さない場合があります。過負荷のように見えるフェリーに乗らないでください。特に雨季には悪天候が急速に発生する可能性があり、救助サービスが制限される場合があります。 2019年8月、3隻のフェリーが転覆し、少なくとも30人が死亡しました。