Kategoria: Matkailu

Uuden koronaviruksen (NCoV) päivitys

Novel Coronavirus (NCoV) Update There are fresh reports of an additional four laboratory-confirmed cases with infection of the novel coronavirus (NCoV) in Saudi Arabia. This news follows reports that the new…
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H7N9-lintuinfluenssan päivitys

H7N9 Avian Influenza Update As of May 9, 2013, there were 131 confirmed cases of the new bird flu H7N9 in China. Of these, 32 patients have died. It appears…
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Uusi lintuinfluenssakanta Kiinassa

Uusi lintuinfluenssakanta Kiinassa Kiinassa on uusi lintuinfluenssakanta nimeltä H7N9. Se herättää suurta kiinnostusta tiedotusvälineissä, vaikka toistaiseksi on vain...
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Rabies - Ei vain koirasi huolenaiheita

Rabies — Not just for your dog to worry about The infection begins with some general weakness, a fever, a headache; just like a regular old flu. But then, the beast’s rabid bite…
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