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Travel Smarter, Safer, and Stress-Free with Sitata.

Your ultimate travel companion: real-time safety updates, personalized travel insurance, and on-the-go support—all in one app.

Your trip is now protected👍

Travel Insurance, Reimagined.

sitata app showing travel assistance
sitata phone app showing safety check-ins
sitata app insurance screen
sitata app showing telemedicine and doctor appointment

Vi holder øje med dig

Vi bruger AI og et team af efterretningsanalytikere til at overvåge verden for enhver form for trussel eller forstyrrelse. Slap af i visheden om, at Sitata giver dig besked, hvis din rejse er i fare - fra ustyrlige protester eller vold til det næste sygdomsudbrud eller taxastrejke.

Næsten øjeblikkelig assistance

At få hjælp i udlandet kan være et sandt mareridt. Med Sitata kan du få hjælp til hvad som helst med et par hurtige tryk.

Få adgang til medicinske fagfolk

Ingen grund til at gå i panik eller vente på skadestuen. Sitata kan sætte dig i forbindelse med læger, der har specialiseret sig i rejsemedicin. Få et hurtigt videoopkald eller en chat med en læge. Du kan også planlægge klinikbesøg eller få en læge til at komme til dit hotel.

Del din sikkerhed

Del automatisk med dine kære eller kolleger, når du ankommer sikkert til din destination eller dit hotel.

Personlig forsikring

Vælg den forsikringsplan, der passer til dig, og få glæde af superhurtige digitale krav for at beskytte din rejseinvestering, hvis noget skulle gå galt.

Vi holder øje med dig

Vi bruger AI og et team af efterretningsanalytikere til at overvåge verden for enhver form for trussel eller forstyrrelse. Slap af i visheden om, at Sitata giver dig besked, hvis din rejse er i fare - fra ustyrlige protester eller vold til det næste sygdomsudbrud eller taxastrejke.

Næsten øjeblikkelig assistance

At få hjælp i udlandet kan være et sandt mareridt. Med Sitata kan du få hjælp til hvad som helst med et par hurtige tryk.

Del din sikkerhed

Del automatisk med dine kære eller kolleger, når du ankommer sikkert til din destination eller dit hotel.

Få adgang til medicinske fagfolk

Ingen grund til at gå i panik eller vente på skadestuen. Sitata kan sætte dig i forbindelse med læger, der har specialiseret sig i rejsemedicin. Få et hurtigt videoopkald eller en chat med en læge. Du kan også planlægge klinikbesøg eller få en læge til at komme til dit hotel.
sitata app insurance screen

Personlig forsikring

Vælg den forsikringsplan, der passer til dig, og få glæde af superhurtige digitale krav for at beskytte din rejseinvestering, hvis noget skulle gå galt.

What Travellers Say About Us

Cacia Ploe
I liked the notifications with updates on the health status of locations near me.
SITATA user picture
Susan BG Blackmer
Sitata gave me peace of mind and I felt well informed.
Jack Deringer
I loved how easy it was to get help from your staff through the chat when my luggage didn't show up. Thank you for the fast support!
sitata user
Jessica MacDonald
It wouldn't be so bad if it was just me and my husband, but travelling with the three children is different. It's nice to have "someone" checking on things for you!
Drew Williams
This is by far the best travel insurance I have ever had.
Damman Marwah
I was fully expecting to have to fight for my claim. Sitata paid it the next day. Amazing!!!
Clem Gallagher
I didn't have to make a claim, but the purchase was easy and the support staff were super friendly.
Jennifer Nagy
I was in Thailand and Sitata alerted me about a bombing in Bangkok. It opens your eyes and reminds you to beware of your surroundings at all times. Sitata's Trip Alerts was an excellent tool to help me feel safe, while being across the world in such a foreign country.
a sitata user
Samantha Fittler
It was all new and quite nerve-wracking to be going to a new country that wasn't English speaking. Sitata gave me some updates which helped me to prepare.
Owen Andrews
Once again, purchasing vacation insurance was really easy and straightforward. As this is our first vacation away from home since covid, this is the first time we have used them. Still, I would suggest Sitata as a top-notch insurance provider. Now my youngest uses them too.
a sitata user
Youshaa El-Abed
I would recommend it to my friends travelling as it really does help make sure you are safe, especially if travelling alone or in small group.
Trish Mernada
This travel insurance is great. It was easy to set-up with easy steps and options.
Vincent Man
Sitata allows me to plan in advance, reduces worry, and ease of mind during travelling.
a sitata user
Jane S Buttery
It has given me peace of mind before I travel. I feel protected now.
a sitata user
Kirstin Newfield
There was political unrest in Bangladesh in the days leading up to my travels. I was alerted of the situation by Sitata and was able to plan accordingly.
Anya Coles
Had my very thorough questions answered by patient agents and efficient. Have used Sitata a lot and feel happy and confident in their hands plus find the prices affordable. Thank you

Your Travel Superpower

See how our app is your ideal travel companion

Keep track of your itinerary and receive flight and baggage updates
Renew or buy a protection plan in seconds
Avoid threats and disruptions with AI-powered travel alerts
Instant chat assistance for travel concierge or emergencies
Super fast claims payments
Carry proof of insurance and view your policy details on the go

What Type of Trip Is Next?


beach and sun

Beach & Sun

a backpack




Our comprehensive plans cover just about anything that could go wrong with your trip

Trip Cancellation and Curtailment
Emergency Medical Expenses
Emergency Medical Evacuation
Baggage Loss and Delay
Passport and Money Loss
Repatriation of Mortal Remains
Personlig ulykke
Sports Equipment
Business Equipment
Personligt ansvar
Adventure Sports
Rental Car
*Subject to the terms, conditions, and limits of your policy and plan. Not all benefits are available for purchase in all geographies.

Your Top Questions

Medmindre andet er angivet i dine plandokumenter, er dækningerne primære.

COVID-19 er dækket og betragtes på samme måde som enhver anden sygdom i henhold til forsikringsbetingelserne.

Ja, men det er bedre at købe den kort tid efter reservationen for at maksimere dækningen, især for afbestillingsydelser.

Ja, vi tilbyder en "free look"-periode på op til 14 dage, hvor du kan opsige policen og få alle pengene tilbage, hvis der ikke er sket nogen skade.

Nej, men vi kan varmt anbefale det! Med appen kan du følge din rejseplan, modtage opdateringer om potentielle afbrydelser og have concierge- og assistancetjenester lige ved hånden.

Rejseforsikring, der hjælper dig med at få en bedre rejse

Se, hvorfor tusindvis af rejsende vælger Sitata, når de rejser

Copyright © 2025 Sitata Inc.
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