New Strain of Avian Flu in China — Update

New Strain of Avian Flu in China — Update To date, Chinese authorities have reported a total of 38 patients with influenza A (H7N9) virus in different cities in China. There have been 10 deaths so far and 19 of the 38 patients are in critical condition. Nine of the...

New Strain of Avian Flu in China

New Strain of Avian Flu in China There is a new strain of avian flu called H7N9 in China. It is generating intense media interest, although so far there only have been 18 cases over the past 6 weeks or so. Health authorities are concerned for several reasons: Although...

Rabies — Not just for your dog to worry about

Rabies — Not just for your dog to worry about The infection begins with some general weakness, a fever, a headache; just like a regular old flu. But then, the beast’s rabid bite starts prickling and itching. Within days you become confused, agitated, and anxious. As...

The New SARS-like Coronavirus — Update

The New SARS-like Coronavirus — Update Authorities in the United Kingdom have just reported the world’s 11th person infected with the new coronavirus. The infected person did not travel abroad. In this case, the infected person is a close family contact of a previous...

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Pickpockets

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Pickpockets There is a tale of a school, known as the School of the Seven Bells, perched among the mists in the Andes Mountains outside Bogota, Colombia. This legendary school is believed to teach the skill and stealth of the art of pickpocketing....