Are YOU Spreading Measles?

Are YOU Spreading Measles?

Are YOU Spreading Measles? When measles outbreaks occur anywhere in the world at any time, unvaccinated travellers may be exposed, becoming infected and inadvertently spreading the disease when they travel to their home countries before they become ill (e.g., during...
TB Spreading without a Cure in South Africa

TB Spreading without a Cure in South Africa

TB Spreading without a Cure in South Africa Recent reports have revealed that extreme anti-tuberculosis drug resistance (XDR-TB) is becoming a serious public health problem in South Africa. These TB strains are usually unresponsive to all current anti-TB drugs. That...
Don’t Drink Raw Date-Palm Sap in Bangladesh

Don’t Drink Raw Date-Palm Sap in Bangladesh

Don’t Drink Raw Date-Palm Sap in Bangladesh In Bangladesh, raw date palm sap is collected during the cold season from mid-October to mid-March. Date palm sap harvesters (gachhis) shave one side of the date palm tree near the top in a V shape. They then place a bamboo...
The Chikungunya Virus is in the Caribbean

The Chikungunya Virus is in the Caribbean

The Chikungunya Virus is in the Caribbean For the first time, an outbreak of the virus that causes chikungunya fever has been reported in the western hemisphere, this time from the island of Saint Martin in the Caribbean. So far, about 20 cases have been found....