Why Take Anti-Malaria Medication?

Why Take Anti-Malaria Medication?

Why Take Anti-Malaria Medication? Malaria seems to be in the news every now and then. A lot of people travel to places where you can get malaria, and some remember to get some anti-malaria medication for their trip. Some people even remember to take their prescribed...
Why You Should Take Your Anti-Malaria Medication

Why You Should Take Your Anti-Malaria Medication

Why You Should Take Your Anti-Malaria Medication People travel to places where you can still get malaria, and some remember to get some anti-malaria medication for their trip. Some people even remember to take the prescribed medication. When coupled with simple steps...
Zika Virus — Key Questions

Zika Virus — Key Questions

Zika Virus — Key Questions Since the Zika virus was first discovered in Uganda in 1974, it has slowly spread around the world, first to other African countries, then to some countries in southeast Asia, then across the Pacific (including a major outbreak in French...
What Travellers Need To Know About Zika

What Travellers Need To Know About Zika

What Travellers Need To Know About Zika A little known virus called Zika virus or ZIKV is causing a lot of concern and is suddenly getting a lot of media attention. Here’s what travellers need to know about Zika virus, how sick it can actually make you, and how to...