30 Tips for Budget-friendly Travel

30 Tips for Budget-friendly Travel

“Travel is never a matter of money, but of courage.” – Paulo Coelho   Traveling is a fun and exciting way to discover new places, but if not done properly, it can also be expensive. However, there are ways to cut the cost of your trip without sacrificing the...
Flooding due to GABRIELLE in New Zealand

Flooding due to GABRIELLE in New Zealand

There was no respite from flooding for New Zealand as Cyclone GABRIELLE hit the country just after weeks of non-stop rain. On 27 January, heavy rains and flooding hit many parts of the North Island, severely affecting Auckland. On 29 January, domestic and...
The Benefits of Travelling off the Beaten Path

The Benefits of Travelling off the Beaten Path

In “The Road Not Taken,” Robert Frost writes, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— / I took the one less travelled by, / And that has made all the difference.” The definition of travel has undoubtedly changed since the COVID-19 era. Travellers nowadays want to...
Romantic Getaways

Romantic Getaways

“I have spent a lifetime waiting for the right time, now that you are near, the time is here at last.” ~ Elvis Presley. Well, it’s never too late to pack your bags and treat your loved ones to a breathtaking location. Be it the calmness of the sea or the moist weather...
Zero COVID Strategy- Was it Worth it?

Zero COVID Strategy- Was it Worth it?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, China conducted a massive experiment to see if it were possible to contain transmission of this virus within the country and keep it from getting into the country by travellers from abroad. As events unfolded, the approach became known as...